Painting Night with Emma Lopes

Painting Night with Emma Lopes


Join us on Wednesday, September 8th at 4pm EST! We're hosting a painting night with Emma Lopes! In this small, 30 person group, participants will spend the evening creating with Emma and members of our community!

Unlike our typical class style, everyone will have the ability to have their cameras and mics on, ask Emma questions personally, meet other members from our community and make art together!

To keep the event intimate, we will be capping virtual seats to 30 people. Tickets are $25. All proceeds from the event will go to paying our instructor and funding future programs and events!

Suggested Materials:

  • Sketchbook or a couple of sheets of watercolor quality paper (preferably at least 300gsm)

  • Watercolors and/or gouache in a range of colors including white if possible

  • Palette or plate for mixing

  • Brushes of varying sizes including a couple for finer detail

  • container(s) for water

  • pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener

Visual resources

  • Any images you have or like of coral reefs to provide inspiration and reference

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