Blues in the Sun: Cyanotype Printing at Home with Natalia Tcherniak

Blues in the Sun: Cyanotype Printing at Home with Natalia Tcherniak
Thursday, August 26th at 11am EST
In this workshop, Natalia Tcherniak will give a demonstration of camera-less, darkroom-less, historical alternative process photography technique, using available ad-hoc materials and improvised space.
Suggested Materials:
- Cyanotype chemistry kit (I use either Jacquard or Photographers' Formulary Please read instructions carefully, check whether your kit requires additional steps prior to mixing the Sensitizer solution (i.e. if the kit comes with dry ingredients) We will begin our workshop with mixing sensitizer solution together and coating the paper.
- Protective gloves (recommended)
- Something to measure required parts of chemical components (usually the mixing is required in equal part in the liquid kits, so a small cup or plastic spoon will do)
- Bowl to mix solution in (porcelain, plastic, just not metal)
- Brush or a sponge (ideally new, again, make sure there is no metal elements, otherwise they will corrode. If using a brush, this will be a specifically dedicated cyanotype brush)
- Paper (watercolor, washi, mixed media, something that is sturdy that can withstand being in a wash)
- Glass frame (picture frame that can be easily taken apart, a piece of glass with any backing and bulldog clips, anything that can you can sandwich paper and negatives together) - size to fit your paper.
Optional, but Recommended Materials:
- Negatives and/or found objects - either photo negatives, or homemade images printed on acetate, or cut outs, any objects such as feathers, leaves, household objects. Objects don't have to flat, just anything that would make an interesting shadow/ silhouette.
Optional Materials:
- Hydrogen peroxide 3% solution (standard household quality that can be found at any pharmacy or supermarket), We will be diluting it at 1:10 with water, so you would need about 20-30ml
- Wash basin/ tray/ large bowl - anything to make a hydrogen bath in. I use plastic filing basket
Have Access to:
- Room with no UV light (indoors, dark room/bathroom - any room that doesn't have sunlight and safe (incandescent) lighting can be used)
- Access to direct UV light (outside, direct sunlight Ideally clear sunny weather, but can be done in overcast)
- A timer/ stopwatch (on the phone or otherwise)
- Hairdryer (optional, but recommended)
- Running water or ability to change water frequently during the wash
- A place to hang dry, or lay flat to dry your prints.
You will receive access to the workshop in a separate email upon purchase. All workshops are recorded and the replay will be available after the class ends.