Sketchbook Tour: Lisa Frühbeis

Lisa began her tiny sketchbook back in February while traveling between Munich and Paris. Over time, she filled each page with images of journey, bringing her bite-sized memories of travel to life with acrylic ink and a black fountain pen. Frühbeis, who is based in Germany, works as a comic illustrator and is known for her live-drawing and graphic recording sessions. Her work has appeared in exhibitions across Europe and the United States, and in numerous publications. She’s the author of the newly-published feminist comic book, Busen Gewunder. You can follow her creative journey on her Instagram and Twitter.  

You can also check Lisa’s Volume 14 sketchbook, “Retreat - Between The Years,” on our Digital Library and see her lush illustrations of a world transitioning from winter to spring, populated by women through “a casual, unstereotype and integrated narrative.”

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